das Rätsel bleibt in seiner Verschiebung am selben Ort – The riddle remains static in its displacement / WestGermany, Berlin / 2006
An exhibition project about imperceptibility / On Thursday, September 7, 2006, Stella Geppert will implement in collaboration with 30 artists a site-specific project based on imperceptibility. Between disintegration and self-assertion, the artists will explore the material aspects of the space and its surroundings and will play with situational moments at the opening. The attention will be directed towards inconspicuousness and improvisation. While the AUTHORS will initially remain unrecognized, it will be the PRESENCE and the ABSCENCE that will become the artistic element. The focus will move precariously beyond what is being shown and existent. The works explicitly investigate a state of DISSAPEARANCE. In this sense, the exhibition gathers artistic practices at the edge of perception and at the limits of what is visible enough to be shown. Established patterns of orientation will be discarded in favor of PERFORMATIVE POTENTIALS and communicative processes. Subsequently, a PUBLICATION about the exhibition will be released on October 3, 2006. It will elaborate on the authorship of the various conceptual interventions and visually regroup interconnections pertaining to space and content. / Artists: Ulf Aminde, Gert Bendel, Matthew Burbidge, Martin Conrads, Leander Djønne, Stefan Eichhorn, Linda Franke, Stella Geppert, Ingo Gerken, Anke Göhring, Dirk Holzberg, Sofia Hultén, Poison Idea, Germaine Koh, Seraphina Lenz, Antonia Low, Pierangelo Maset, Alena Meier, Lutz-Rainer Müller, Thomas Rentmeister, Manfred Reuter, Nada Sebestyén, Ulrich Strothjohann, Thea Timm, Bernd Trasberger, Tilman Wendland, Synnøve G Wetten, Francis Zeischegg, Ella Ziegler.