Openstudio, Berlin
Stella Geppert’s recently developed installation “Hieroglyphendecke” (hieroglyph blanket) is a work about communication and encounters. It records unconscious and transient movements of the head – the lines thus created densify into a structure. The visitors of the exhibition are part of the installation and their actions bring forth artistic work. The “Encyclopaedia of dialogues” in which the drawings are archived renders visible the qualities and intensity of the recorded movements, and thereby also the relations of the people, in a further step.
Talk with PHG about family, Berlin, May, 2015, 60 min
(upper row) Talk with NB / Talk with FR, Talk with TT, 2014, while sitting on a sofa, 45:00 min, Berlin, 2014/2015 (lower row) Reading Henri Bergson “Zeit und Freiheit” (“Time and Freedom”) (frz. “Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience“ – “Versuch über die unmittelbaren Gegebenheiten des Bewußtseins”, 1889, 1.- 3. chapter, charcoal on paper, 150 cm x 150 cm, 2014
(upper row, left to right) Talk with ASCH, MSCH and SK about “das Ausschlussverfahren bei Festbanketten: ein Fest für alle?” 40:00 min, Halle, May, 2015, while standing / Talk with FR and MM about the best song we ever heared*, 45:00 min, Berlin, April, 2015, while standing, (lower row) Dance with LB, MG and DN, Halle, June, 2015, while changing the position, 00:50 min, Solodance, Open Studio, Berlin, 2016
Eating together with KM,JG and JR, process, Open Studio, Berlin 2016